Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My favorite snack - Hoddeok

This is one of the most popular Korean street snack , Hoddeok.
I'm not so sure if I spell it right or not.
Anyways, it is normally seen in winter on the street and looks like little pancake.
but it's very hot and sweet!
look at the picture! looks really yummy !
To make hoddeok, firstly you need to make flour batter with yeast.
and leave it for hours in warm place.
and then make the sauce! sauce is not actually liquid but when you fry it ,
it becomes liquid because of the heat
sauce is basically made of sugar and added cinnamon powder or nuts if you prefer.
when batter becomes swollen , it's perfect time to make hoddeok!
Take some batter and add mixture of sugar in the batter and fry it on a pan with oil.
while i'm posting this recipe , this homework really makes me hungry LoL

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