Friday, July 16, 2010

my happiest memory

hey i'm sseong
now i'll tell you that my happiest memory
before last month, there are Buddha's Birthday and continued weekend.
so my older sister and i sceduled trevel to Hongkong!
we departed 22 may, stay 2 nights and 3 days in there.
we had only a short time so we must spend our time short but full!!
therefore we dacided wake up early in the morning
we visited many places and took a pictures, ate local foods
after we went back hotel, we fell onto our bed T.T
BUT it's very very meaningful and remain in my heart
now i come to think of it,
it was a first time only two of us go trevel some place
soon, my sister will come NY. sincerely i want meet her in NY ♥

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