Wednesday, July 7, 2010

that is all I need! My First day of classes at Ole Miss by Merly Zambrano

Hi everybody! how you know my name is Merly Zambrano, and this morning was our first class in the program
I really think that experience was amazing ... I could know new persons of diferents cultures like japanese, koreans, brazilians, well lot of people, and you know what? all them have diferents forms to see the life, fall in love, eat, many diferents traditions, foods, religions... for example I interviewed to JI, that´s the amerinan´s name, they needed it to identifity in America because if we read theirs real names wou.. we can´t really pronounce it, well really when I said it, I was refer that it´s just me, I can´t pronounce those names, but I think that those names are very nice!
Today I love the part where we join new groups and met new people from other cultures, behaviors and habits...
mmm I think that is all I can said, I really enjoy the class and well I hope that all it will be like that class..

good night and see you tomorrow!

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