Friday, July 16, 2010

My happiest memory :-)

Hey everybody, I'm Sally. I'd like to share my happiest memory with you guys. Let me just tell you about my yesterday. Because I had so much fun yesterday and I've got something I've never experienced. Well, Hanbat uni. group was invited to Brenda's house. On our way to her house, she let us know about the animals, natural things around there. I was glad to be informed of something I didn't know. When we arrived at her house, I met her sister. We talked for a while, and she listend to me very well which I could feel like at home. The most exciting thing was the truck! Brenda gave us the first ride, and it was awesome!! I didn't even know the fact that there is a car that can go all over the forest! Brenda's son, Chuck also gave us a ride, and it was OMG! It was beyond my imagination so I just kept saying "Yeahhh~~~" I've also seen a lot of animals such as dog, peacock, lama, horse, chicken, etc... It was a whole new experience for me. It was kind of cultural shock to me. (in a good way!) I really appreciate Brenda for inviting us. I assume that I've been expecting something like this. Anyway, I wish everyone a good weekend and good luck on your assignments. Let's finish those in advance so that we won't get suffered later. :-) -Sally

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